Why do genealogists work so hard to find those ancestors that lived as close to the beginning of time as possible? It’s fun, it’s interesting and you learn about where and who you come from. Right? Of Course! But, how much do you really learn? Many times in the search for family, you are left with just names and dates that some fairly good assumptions can be made from. But, wouldn’t it be nice to have their “real story”? Think about yourself as an ancestor to countless future generations instead of just a descendant of the past. Technology helps us locate, share and duplicate information in such a quick and efficient manner, that it gives us the chance to be forward thinking ancestors. Use that technology and start writing what you remember about those friends and family that have passed on already. This isn’t just about genetics; it’s about who you consider family. Even one or two thoughts are significant. Remember those you’ve been meaning to call, email or text? Do it! Scan and identify all your ancestor photo, along with more recent family photos. Write down those childhood memories that mean so much to you. Start a diary on your computer or tablet. Use the notes section in an online tree to capture those interesting tidbits of information that you do have. Your story doesn't have to have perfect grammar, spelling or style. It’s about passing everything forward. Catch up with your, Here and Now and be a Future Ancestor!
Stacey Wallace Rehbein ©