Let me help

(Begin with a "Free" 60 min consult)
Want to find your own ancestors, but don't know where to begin?
Here is a little something to help you build a great family tree. I am offering a FREE, 60 minute consultation to help you start digging for your own ancestors. You will begin to learn how to use some of the most valuable tools at both free and pay sites. While at the same time you will be embarking upon your own journey to find those, all absorbing and intriguing ancestors. Reserve this expedition to dig into the world of genealogy and let me be your guide.
Let's start digging!
Any questions? Email Me @

If digging up your ancestors is not your thing. Family Dig can get you out of that hole and begin with a comprehensive search into your own unique and fascinating ancestral family. This is my area of expertise, investigating and building family trees with corresponding documents and evidence. With access to numerous databases and tools, as well as extensive experience using DNA for matching families, I can dig deeper to help solve your family mysteries.
Let’s start digging!
Any Questions? Email me @

Great FREE resources for Beginners :
Family Search Free Research Guide
Start digging!
Problems or questions? Email me @